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/ География РИ / Дания / Knutpunkt 2011
текст   Call for blueprints, papers & opinions Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы получить возможность подписки вид для печати
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It?s time to start thinking about writing for the Knudepunkt 2011
conference. We have formed a book group and are already ambitiously
planning the book project, but we now need you to get in touch with us
so we can start discussing your ideas for content.

This year, we are looking for 3 distinct types of content. Each with
seperate goals, audiences and editors. We are looking for: concise
descriptions of recent larps, academic analyses relating to larp and
opinions on the future of larp.
We want your larp blueprints

We want to document a selection of larps organized in recent years.
These larp descriptions will be presented in an internal tone directed
at larpwrights and organizers. The texts themselves will be rather
short, but all cases must be also presented with a number of quality
images. The papers will be selected in an editorial process, based on
abstracts or samples.

The goal is to engage larpwrights in a tradition of writing down a
blueprint of their larps as a mandatory part of their post-scenario
reflections. Our purpose is to create a platform for peer-to-peer
communication of larps among larpwrights and organizers. We will
search for a format that is both short and precise while still
allowing for a comprehensive description and reflection of the game.

The editors will both ask specific people to contribute blueprints of
certain projects, and accept open submissions. Willingness to
contribute can be expressed immediately. Contributions are selected
based on abstracts or representative samples of 500+ words and a few
full-resolution images, with an editorial review.

The editors will provide feedback in all phases of the work,
consulting external experts if needed. You should expect around
two-three rounds of feedback on the text, one based on an abstract and
another based on the full paper.
We want your academic papers

What if larp wasn?t an academic discipline of its own? What if we did
not try to invent theory on larp from scratch, but started really
using the astounding amounts of knowledge already available in the
natural sciences, social sciences and humanities?

The papers are to use theory, methods and terminology from
independent, previously recognized academic fields. You are encouraged
(but not required) to use examples or cases. The articles should be
mainly analytical and focus on the development of new theory or on the
transformation of existing theories, all aimed at providing better
understandings of larp, its process, its structure, and so on. Our
goal is to make a series of articles which show, that LARP as a
phenomenon can be described from many different academic standpoints.

These papers will be written, peer reviewed and maybe only read by
academics. As the papers in this category are qualified through the
use of double-blind reviews, it is recommended that authors do not
share their drafts on the internet before the review is completed. The
aim of this process is to qualify the contributions in this category
to a degree, by which it earns its authors academic merits.
Contributions are selected a) on basis of submitted abstracts, and b)
on basis of the reviews.
We want your strongest opinions

We want your opinions. Strong opinions. In the world of larp, opinions
are everywhere and these opinions are what bring us forward. The
challenge here here is to write a short and precise text about
something you feel strongly about. So if you?re tired of the way orcs
and elves dominate the media image of larp, rant about it. If you have
a manifesto that needs to be released from the closet, show us your
vision. And if you believe that we?ll be extinct as a community in ten
years, present us with your prophecy.

The format is a maximum of 5000 characters (spaces included). The
style is personal, passionate and to the point. And the words are yours.

  • July ? August: Development of ideas and sparring
  • August: Writing of outlines
  • September: Writing of first drafts
  • October ? November: Online reviewing by the editors and by other authors
  • December: Editing and proofreading
  • January: Layout and printing

What to do now

Start thinking book thoughts ? the sooner, the better. The editors
will both ask specific people to contribute and accept open
submissions. Willingness to contribute can be expressed immediately.
Mark two important dates in your calendar: August 1st: deadline for
informally getting in touch with us about your idea so we can get back
to you with more information. September 1st: deadline for the first
outline or abstract of your text.

Get in touch with us at book@knudepunkt.org. We look forward to
hearing from you!

- The KP11 book group
Charles, Christian, Claus, Jesper, Kasper, Luisa, Marie, Thomas,
Tobias and Valdemar

Jaakko Stenros, researcher jaakko.stenros@uta.fi +358-40-7520515
Game Research Lab
Tampere Research Center for Information and Media
University of Tampere


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