1. The only criticism that annoyed me was one that it 'contained no religion' (and 'no Women', but that does not matter, and is not true anyway). It is a monotheistic world of 'natural theology'. The odd fact that there are no churches, temples, or religious rites and ceremonies, is simply part of the historical climate depicted [Letters, 165]
2. The Eldar and the Numenoreans believed in The One, the true God, and held worship of any other person an abomination [Letters, 183]
3. ...they [Valary] are only created spirits - of high angelic order we should say, with their attendant lesser angels - reverended, therefore, but not worshipful (*)... (*) There are thus no temples or 'churches' or fanes in this 'world' among 'good' (!) peoples. They had little or no 'religion' in the sence of worship. For help they may call on Vala (as Elbereth), as a Catholic might on a Saint... [Letters, 153]
4. ...they [the peoples of the West] are the descendants of Men that tried to repent and fled Westward from the domination of the Prime Dark Lord, and his false worship, and by contrast [contact?] with the Elves renewed (and enlarged) their knowledge of the truth and the nature of the World. They thus escaped from 'religion' in a pagan sence, into a pure monotheist world, in which all things and beings and powers that might seem worshipful were not to be worshipped, not even the gods (the Valar), being only creatures of the One. And He was immensely remote. The High Elves were exiles from the Blessed Realm of the Gods (after their own particular Elvish fall) and they had no 'religion' (or religious practices, rather) for those had been in the hands of the gods, praising and adoring Eru 'the One', Iluvatar the Father of All on the Mt. of Aman. [Letters, 156]
5. ...at each first gatherings of fruits Manwe made a high feast for the praising of Eru, when all the people of Valinor poured forth their joy in music and song upon Taniquetil [Silmarillion]
6. Of all the Great Ones who dwell in this world the Elves hold Varda most in reverence and love. Elbereth they name her, and they call upon her name out of the shadows of Middle-earth, and uplift it in song at the rising of the stars [Silmarillion]
7. Away high in the East swung Remmirath, the Netted Stars, and slowly above the mists red Borgil rose, glowing like a jewel of fire. Then by some shift of airs all the mist was drawn away like a veil, and there leaned up, as he climbed over the rim of the world, the Swordsman of the Sky, Menelvagor with his shining belt. The Elves all burst into song [LoTR]
8. These are High Elves! They spoke the name of Elbereth!' said Frodo... [LoTR]
9. ...they were avari, to whom the deeds of Beleriand were but a rumour and Valinor only a distant name [Silmarillion]
10. A sudden dread fell on the Company. `Elbereth Gilthoniel!' sighed Legolas as he looked up [LoTR]
11. May Elbereth protect you! [LoTR]
12. But Hurin answered: "Do you forget to whom you speak? Such things you spoke long ago to our fathers; but we escaped from your shadow. And now we have knowledge of you, for we have looked on the faces that have seen the Light, and heard the voices that have spoken with Mane. Before Arda you were, but others also; and you did not make it. Neither are you the most mighty; for you have spent your strength upon yourself and wasted it in your own emptiness. No more are you now than an escaped thrall of the Valar, and their chain still awaits you. "You have learned the lessons of your masters by rote," said Morgoth [UT]
13. Numenoreans (and others of that branch of Humanity, that fought against Morgoth, even of they elected to remain in Middle-Earth and did not go to Numenor: such as Rohirrim) were pure monotheists [Letters, 153]
14. But there was no temple in Numenor (until Sauron introduced the cult of Morgoth). The top of Meneltarma or Pillar of Heaven, was dedicated to Eru the One, and there at any time privately, and at certain times publicity, God was invoked, praised, and adored: an imitation of the Valar and the Mountain of Aman [Letters, 153]
15. They did not speak, for no one, save only the King, spoke upon the height of Meneltarma... [UT]
16. ... only one physical place of worship: the summit of the mountain Meneltarma <...> it had no building and no temple, as all such things had evil associations [Letters, 156]
17. But in the midst of the land was a mountain tall and steep, and it was named the Meneltarma, the Pillar of Heaven, and upon it was a high place that was hallowed to Eru Iluvatar, and it was open and unroofed, and no other temple or fane was there in the land of the Numenoreans [Akallabeth]
18. ...after the days of Tar-Ancalimon the offering of the first fruits to Eru was neglected, and men went seldom any more to the Hallow upon the heights of Meneltarma... [Akallabeth]
19. Near to the centre of the Mittalmar stood the tall mountain called the Meneltarma, Pillar of the Heavens, sacred to the worship of Eru Iluvatar. Though the tower slopes of the mountain were gentle and grass-covered, it grew ever steeper, and towards the summit it could not be scaled; but a winding spiral road was made upon it, beginning at its foot upon the south, and ending below the lip of the summit upon the north. For the summit was somewhat flattened and depressed, and could contain a great multitude; but it remained untouched by hands throughout the history of Numenor. No building, no raised altar, not even a pile of undressed stones, ever stood there; and no other likeness of a temple did the Numenoreans possess in all the days of their grace, until the coming of Sauron. There no tool or weapon had ever been borne; and there none might speak any word, save the King only. Thrice only in each year the King spoke, offering prayer for the coming year at the Erukyerme in the first days of spring, praise of Eru Iluvatar at the Erulaitale in midsummeer, and thanksgiving to him at the Eruhantale at the end of autumn. At these times the King ascended the mountain on foot followed by a great concourse of the people, clad in white and garlanded, but silent. At other times the people were free to climb to the summit alone or in company, but it is said that the silence was so great that even a stranger ignorant of Numenor and all its history, if he were transported thither, would not have dared to speak aloud. No bird ever came there, save only eagles. If anyone approached the summit, at once three eagles would appear and alight upon three rocks near to the western edge; but at the times of the Three Prayers they did not descend, remaining in the sky and hovering above the people They were called the Witnesses of Manwe, and they were believed to be sent by him from Aman to keep watch upon the Holy Mountain and upon all the land... [UT]
Близ самого сердца Митталмара стояла высокая гора под названием Менельтарма, Столп Небес, посвященная Эру Илуватару. Хотя у подножья горы склоны ее были пологи и травянисты, по мере подъема к вершине она становилась все круче и у самой вершины становилась неодолима; но по склонам горы была проложена вьющаяся вокруг нее дорога, начинавшаяся у подножья с юга и заканчивавшаяся под навесом вершины с севера. Вершина же горы была как бы приплюснута и выровнена, и могла вместить множества людей; но за всю историю Ну'мено'ра ничья рука не касалась ее. Ни строения, ни жертвенника, ни даже груды диких камней не было никогда на ней; и никаких других подобий храмов не было у нуменорцев во все дни их расцвета, до прихода Саурона. Никакого оружия или орудия труда нельзя было приносить туда; и никто не мог говорить там, кроме Короля. И лишь трижды в году говорил там Король: произнося молитву о наступающем годе в день ЭРУКЬЕРМЭ в первые дни весны, прославляя Эру Илу'ватара посреди лета в день ЭРУЛАЙТАЛЭ и благодаря его в день ЭРУХАНТАЛЭ в конце осени. В эти дни Король восходил на гору пешком в сопровождении большой процессии народа, одетого в белое и украшенного гирляндами цветов, сохраняющей молчание. И в другие дни разрешалось свободно восходить на вершину Менельтармы, поодиночке или в собрании; но говорится, что молчание хранилось там такое великое, что даже чужестранец, не знавший ничего о Ну'мено'ре и его истории, попав туда, не осмеливался говорить вслух. Никакие птицы не прилетали на вершину, кроме орлов. Едва кто-либо приближался к вершине, три орла появлялись и усаживались на трех скалах у западного обрыва; но в дни Трех Молитв они не спускались, а оставались в небе и парили над людьми. Орлов называли Свидетелями Манвэ и верили, что он посылает их из Амана присматривать за Священной Горой и всей страною
20. The Elves often call on Varda-Elbereth, the Queen of the Blesed Realm, their especial friend; and so does Frodo [Letters, 156]
21. ...to her [Uinen] mariners cry, for she can lay calm upon the waves, restraining the wildness of Osse. The Numenorians lived long in her protection, and held her in reverence equal to the Valar [Silmarillion]
22. It had been held lawfully only for the King of Numenor to call Eru to witness, and then only on the most grave and solemn occasions [UT]
23. "May Eru call me before such a time comes!" he [Tar-Meneldur] cried aloud. [UT]
24. And most often from among the Faithful they chose their victims; yet never openly on the charge that they would not worship Melkor, the Giver of Freedom, rather was cause sought against them that they hated the King and were his rebels, or that they plotted against their kin, devising lies and poisons [Akallabeth]
Жертвы они избирали большей частью среди Верных, однако никогда открыто не обвиняли их в непочитании Мелькора, Дарующего Свободу, но скорее в том, что они ненавидят короля и хотят взбунтоваться, или что они замышляют против своих сородичей, действуя ядом и ложью
25. 'Death was ever present, because the Numenoreans still, as they had in their old kingdom, and so lost it, hungered after endless life unchanging. Kings made tombs more splendid than houses of the living. and counted old names in the rolls of their descent dearer than the names of sons. Childless lords sat in aged halls musing on heraldry; in secret chambers withered men compounded strong elixirs, or in high cold towers asked questions of the stars. [LoTR]
Смерть витала повсюду, ибо нуменорцы, как и прежде, в своем древнем царстве, оттого и погубленном, чаяли земного бессмертия. Князья воздвигали гробницы пышней и роскошней дворцов; имена пращуров в истлевших свитках были слаще их уху, нежели имена сыновей. Бездетные государи восседали в древних чертогах, исчисляя свое родословие; в тайных покоях чахлые старцы смешивали таинственные эликсиры, всходили на высокие холодные башни и вопрошали звезды
26. But the fear of death grew ever darker upon them, and they delayed it by all means that they could; and they began to build great houses for their dead, while their wise men laboured unceasingly to discover if they might the secret of recalling life, or at the least of the prolonging of Men's days. Yet they achieved only the art of preserving incorrupt the dead flesh of Men, and they filled all the land with silent tombs in which the thought of death was enshrined in the darkness [Akallabeth]
Однако ужас смерти все более затемнял их сердца, и они, как могли отдаляли его: они начали возводить для своих мертвецов громадные гробницы; мудрецы же неустанно искали тайну бессмертия или, по меньшей мере долголетия. Однако они лишь научились в совершенстве сохранять нетленной мертвую плоть, и вот весь край наполнился безмолвными усыпальницами, где в священном мраке таилась смерть
27. Гондор:
Then he [Isildur] said: "This is a tomb and memorial of Elendil the Faithful. Here it shall stand at the mid-point of the Kingdom of the South in the keeping of the Valar, while the Kingdom endures; and this place shall be a hallow that none shall profane. Let no man disturb its silence and peace, unless he be an heir of Elendil".
They made a stone stair from the fringe of the woods up to the crown of the hill; and Isildur said: "Up this stair let no man climb, save the King, and those that he brings with him, if he bids them follow him." Then all those present were sworn to secrecy; but Isildur gave this counsel to Meneldil, that the King should visit the hallow from time to time, and especially when he felt the need of wisdom in days of danger or distress; and thither also he should bring his heir, when he was full-grown to manhood, and tell him of the making of the hallow, and reveal to him the secrets of the realm and other matters that he should know. [UT]
Затем он [Исилдур]сказал: "Это могила и памятник Элендилу Верному. Здесь будет он пребывать, в центре Южного Королевства, хранимый Валар, до тех пор, пока стоит Королевство; и это место будет святыней, которую никто не осквернит. Пусть ни один человек не нарушает его тишины и покоя, если он не наследник Элендила." Они сделали каменную лестницу от опушки леса до вершины горы, и Исилдур сказал: "Пусть по этой лестнице не поднимается никто, кроме Короля Гондорского и тех, кому он велит последовать за собой". Тогда все присутствующие поклялись хранить тайну; но Исилдур сказал Менельдилу, что Королю следует время от времени навещать святыню, особенно в тех случаях, когда он почувствует нужду в мудрости во дни опасностей и несчастий; и что он должен также привести туда своего наследника, когда тот достигнет порога совершеннолетия, и расскажет ему о создании святыни, и доверит тайны королевства и другие вещи, о которых тому следует знать.
Арнор и, позднее, Кардолан:
It is said that the mounds of Tyrn Gorthad, as the Barrowdowns were called of old, are very ancient, and that many were built in the days of the old world of the First Age by the forefathers of the Edain, before they crossed the Blue Mountains into Beleriand, of which Lindon is all that now remains. Those hills were therefore revered by the Dunedain after their return; and there many of their lords and Kings were buried. [Some say that the mound in which the Ring-bearer was imprisoned had been the grave of the last prince of Cardolan, who fell in the war of 1409.] [LoTR, App A]
Говорят, курганы Тирн Гортада были насыпаны еще в первую Эпоху пращурами Аданов, до того как они перешли Синие Горы и заселили Белерианд. Вернувшиеся дунаданы почитали курганы, там погребены многие их князья и властители. (Говорят, что курган, в который попал Хранитель Кольца, был могилой последнего князя Кардолана, павшего в войне 1409 г.)
А этот рассказ Бомбадила относится уже конкретно ко временам Кардолана, IX-XVII в.в.:
They heard of the Great Barrows, and the green mounds, and the stone-rings upon the hills and in the hollows among the hills. Sheep were bleating in flocks. Green walls and white walls rose. There were fortresses on the heights. Kings of little kingdoms fought together, and the young Sun shone like fire on the red metal of their new and greedy swords. There was victory and defeat; and towers fell, fortresses were burned, and flames went up into the sky. Gold was piled on the biers of dead kings and queens; and mounds covered them, and the stone doors were shut; and the grass grew over all. Sheep walked for a while biting the grass, but soon the hills were empty again. A shadow came out of dark places far away, and the bones were stirred in the mounds. Barrow-wights walked in the hollow places with a clink of rings on cold fingers, and gold chains in the wind.' Stone rings grinned out of the ground like broken teeth in the moonlight. [LoTR]
Хоббиты услышали о великих Могильниках и зеленых курганах, о холмах, увенчанных белыми коронами из зазубренных камней, и земляных пещерах в тайных глубинах между холмами. Блеяли овцы. Воздвигались высокие стены, образуя могучие крепости и мощные многобашенные твердыни; их владыки яростно враждовали друг с другом, и юное солнце багрово блистало на жаждущих крови клинках. Победы сменялись разгромами, с грохотом рушились башни, горели горделивые замки, и пламя взлетало в небеса. Золото осыпало усыпальницы мертвых царей, смыкались каменные своды, их забрасывали землей, а над прахом поверженных царств вырастала густая трава. С востока приходили кочевники, снова блеяли над гробницами овцы - и опять подступала пустошь. Из далекого далека надвигалась необоримая Тьма, и кости хрустели в могилах. Умертвия бродили по пещерам, бренча драгоценными кольцами и вторя завываниям ветра мертвым звоном золотых ожерелий. А каменные короны на безмолвных холмах осклаблялись, щерились в лунном свете, как обломанные белые зубы
28. Almost the only vestige of 'religion' is seen in the 'Grace before Meat'. This is indeed mainly as it were a commemoration of the Departed, and theology is reduced to 'that which is beyond Elvenhome and ever eill be', sc. is beyond the mortal lands, beyond the memory of unfallen Bliss, beyond the physical world [Letters, 211]
So we always do... we look towards Numenor that was, and beyond to Elvenhome that is, and to that which is beyond Elvenhome and will ever be... [LoTR]
Перед трапезой ... мы обращает взгдяд к погибшему Нуменору и дальше на запад, к нетленному Блаженному Краю, и еще дальше, к Предвечной отчизне
29. Ware! Ware! - cried Damrod to his companion. - May the Valar turn him aside! Mumak! Mumak! [LoTR]
Берегись! Берегись! - крикнул другу Дамрод. - Оборони нас валары! Мумак! Мумак!
30. There came a day when Gandalf could not be found, and the Companions wondered what was going forward. But Gandalf took Aragorn out from the City by night, and he brought him to the southern feet of Mount Mindolluin; and there they found a path made in ages past that few now dared to tread. For it led up on to the mountain to a high hallow where only the kings had been wont to go. And they went up by steep ways, until they came to a high field below the snows that clad the lofty peaks, and it looked down over the precipice that stood behind the City. And standing there they surveyed the lands, for the morning was come; and they saw the towers of the City far below them like white pencils touched by the sunlight, and all the Vale of Anduin was like a garden, and the Mountains of Shadow were veiled in a golden mist. Upon the one side their sight reached to the grey Emyn Muil, and the glint of Rauros was like a star twinkling far off; and upon the other side they saw the River like a ribbon laid down to Pelargir, and beyond that was a light on the hem of the sky that spoke of the Sea. ...
Then Aragorn cried: 'Ye! Utuvienyes! I have found it! Lo! here is a scion of the Eldest of Trees! But how comes it here? For it is not itself yet seven years old.'
And Gandalf coming looked at it, and said: 'Verily this is a sapling of the line of Nimloth the fair; and that was a seedling of Galathilion, and that a fruit of Telperion of many names, Eldest of Trees. Who shall say how it comes here in the appointed hour? But this is an ancient hallow, and ere the kings failed or the Tree withered in the court, a fruit must have been set here [LoTR]
В один прекрасный день Гэндальф как в воду канул, и хоббиты с Леголасом Гимли только руками разводили. А Гэндальф еще ночью увел Арагорна далеко за стены, к южному подножию Миндоллуина; там отыскалась давным-давно забытая тропа, по которой некогда восходили на гору лишь Великие Князья, уединяясь для размышления и созерцания. По кручам поднялись они к возвышенному плато у самой кромки вечных снегов, стали над пропастью за Минас-Тиритом и огляделись, благо уже рассвело. Далеко внизу видны были городские башни, точно белоснежные стебли, озаренные утренним солнцем; и как сад простиралась долина Великой Реки, а Изгарные горы подернула золотистая дымка. На севере смутно серело Приречное взгорье, и дальней звездою мерцал вспененный Рэрос; широкая серебряная лента Андиуна тянулась на юг, к Пеларгиру, туда, где край небес сиял отсветом Моря. ...
И Арагорн воскликнул: "Йе утувьенес! Я нашел его! Это же отпрыск Древнейшего Древа! Но как он здесь оказался? Он не старше семи лет!"
Гэндальф подошел, взглянул и молвил: "Воистину так: это сеянец прекрасного Нимлота, порожденного Галатилионом, отпрыском многоименного Телпериона, Древнейшего из Дерев. А как он оказался здесь в урочный час - этого нам знать не дано. Однако же именно здесь было древнее святилище, и, должно быть, семя Нимлота зарыли в землю еще до того, как прервался род Великих Князей и иссохло Белое Древо".
31. The Valar had no real answer to this monstrous rebellion - for the Children of God were not under their ultimate jurisdiction: they were not allowed to destroy them, or coerce them with any 'divine' display of the powers they held over physical world. They appealed to God; and catastrofic 'change of plan' occured ... But in a kind of Noachian situation the small party of the Faithful in Numenor, who had refused to take part in the rebellion (though many of them had been sacrificed in the Temple by the Sauronians (!)) escaped ... and established a kind of diminishing memory of Numenor in Exile ... inherinting the hatred of Sauron, the friendship of the Elves, the knowledge of the True God, and (less happily) the yearning for longevity, and the habit of embalming and the building of splendid tombs - their only 'hallows': or almost so. But the 'hallow' of God and the Mountain had perished, and there was no real substitute. Also when the 'Kings' came to an end there was no equivalent to a 'priesthood': the two being identical in Numenorean ideas. So while God (Eru) was a datum of good Numenorean philosophy, and a prime fact in their conception of history, He had at the time of the War of the Ring no worship and no hallowed place. And that kind of negative truth was characteristic of the West, and all the area under Numenorean influence: the refusal to worship any 'creature', and above all no 'dark lord' or satanic demon, Sauron, or any other, was almost as far as they got. They had (I imagine) no petitionary prayers to God; but preserved the vestige of thanksgiving. (Those under special Elvish influence might call on the angelic powers for help in immediate peril or fear of evil enemies [The elves often call on Varda-Elbereth, the Queen of the Blessed Realm, their especial friend; and so does Frodo"]. It later appears, that there had been a 'hallow' on Mindolluin, only approachible by the King, where he had anciently offered thanks and praised on behalf of his people; but it had been forgotten. It was re-entered by Aragorn, and there he found a sapling of the White Tree, and replanted it in the Court of the Fountain. It is to be presumed that with the reemergence of the lineal priest kings (of whom Luthien the Blessed Elf-maiden was a foremother) the worship of God would be renewed, and His Name (or title) be again often heared. But there would be no temple of the True God while Numenorean influence lasted [Letters, 156]
32. But Numenor fell and was destroyed and the Mountain engulfed, and there was no substitute. Among the exiles, remnants of the Faithul who had not adopted the false religion nor taken part in the rebellion, religion as divine worship (though perhaps not as philosophy and metaphysics) seems to have played a small part; though a glipmse of it is caught in Faramir's remark on 'grace at meat' [Letters, 153]
33. When the days of the Kings came to an end and Gondor was ruled by the Stewards descended from Hъrin, the steward of King Minardil, it was held that all the rights and duties of the Kings were theirs "until the Great King returns" [UT]
Когда дни Королей подошли к концу, и Гондором правили Наместники, ведущие свой род от Хурина, Наместника Короля Минардила, было установлено, что им принадлежат все права и обязанности Королей "до тех пор, пока Великий Король не вернется"
This oath shall stand in memory of the glory of the Land of the Star, and of the faith of Elendil the Faithul, in the keeping of those who sit upon the thrones of the West and of the One who is above all thrones for ever [UT],
Ответ Кириона на клятву Эорла
"...his [Kirion] oath astounded those who heared it, and filled with awe, and was alone sufficient to hallow the place where it was spoken. [UT]
34. Men said of them [mearas] that Bema (whom the Eldar call Orome) must have brought their sire from West over Sea [LoTR, App. A]
35. "...I go to my fathers. And even in their mighty company I shall not now be ashamed... [LoTR]
36. I do not think Hobbits practised any form of worship or prayer (unless through exceptional contact with Elves). [Letters, 153]
37. "...and he heard himself crying aloud: O Elbereth! Gilthoniel! At the same time he struck at the feet of his enemy [LoTR]
38. By Elbereth and Lъthien the Fair,' said Frodo with a last effort, lifting up his sword, 'you shall have neither the Ring nor me! [LoTR]
39. 'Gilthoniel, A Elbereth!' Sam cried. For, why he did not know, his thought sprang back suddenly to the Elves in the Shire, and the song that drove away the Black Rider in the trees.
'Aiya elenion ancalima!' cried Frodo once again behind him [LoTR]
40. ...I suspect they were founders or beginners of secret cults and 'magic' traditions that outlasted the fall of Sauron. [UT]
41. В Речах Финрода и Андрет [MR] есть глава "Повесть Аданэли". Именно она и приводится Остогером в качестве примечания. Я же решил не умножать текстов сверх необходимого:-) Галадин
42. I am the Elder King: Melkor, first and mightiest of all the Valar, who was before the world, and made it. The shadow of my purpose lies upon Arda, and all that is in it bends slowly and surely to my will. ...
This last then I will say to you, thrall Morgoth," said Hurin, "and it comes not from the lore of the Eldar, but is put into my heart in this hour. You are not the Lord of Men, and shall not be, though all Arda and Menel fall in your dominion. Beyond the Circles of the World you shall not pursue those who refuse you.
Beyond the Circles of the World I will not pursue them," said Morgoth. "For beyond the Circles of the World there is Nothing. But within them they shall not escape me, until they enter into Nothing. "You lie," said Hurin [UT]
43. For now, having the ears of men, Sauron with many arguments gainsaid all that the Valar had taught; and he bade men think that in the world, in the east and even hi the west, there lay yet many seas and many lands for their winning, wherein was wealth uncounted. And still, if they should at the last come to the end of those lands and seas, beyond all lay the Ancient Darkness. 'And out of it the world was made. For Darkness alone is worshipful, and the Lord thereof may yet make other worlds to be gifts to those that serve him, so that the increase of their power shall find no end.
And Ar-Pharazon said: 'Who is the Lord of the Darkness?'
Then behind locked doors Sauron spoke to the King, and he lied, saying: 'It is he whose name is not now spoken; for the Valar have deceived you concerning him, putting forward the name of Eru, a phantom devised in the folly of their hearts, seeking to enchain Men in servitude to themselves. For they are the oracle of this Eru, which speaks only what they will. But he that is their master shall yet prevail, and he will deliver you from this phantom; and his name is Melkor, Lord of All, Giver of Freedom, and he shall make you stronger than they.' Then Ar-Pharazon the King turned back to the worship of the Dark, and of Melkor the Lord thereof, at first in secret, but ere long openly and in the face of his people; and they for the most part followed him [Akallabeth]
44. Sauron caused to be built upon the hill in the midst of the city of the Nъmenуreans, Armenelos the Golden, a mighty temple; and it was in the form of a circle at the base, and there the walls were fifty feet in thickness, and the width of the base was five hundred feet across the centre, and the walls rose from the ground five hundred feet, and they were crowned with a mighty dome. And that dome was roofed all with silver, and rose glittering in the sun, so that the light of it could be seen afar off; but soon the light was darkened, and the silver became black. For there was an altar of fire in the midst of the temple, and in the topmost of the dome there was a louver, whence there issued a great smoke. And the first fire upon the altar Sauron kindled with the hewn wood of Nimloth, and it crackled and was consumed; but men marvelled at the reek that went up from it, so that the land lay under a cloud for seven days, until slowly it passed into the west.
Thereafter the fire and smoke went up without ceasing; for the power of Sauron daily increased, and in that temple, with spilling of blood and torment and great wickedness, men made sacrifice to Melkor that he should release them from Death. [24]
...And they sailed now with power and armoury to Middle-earth, and they came no longer as bringers of gifts, nor even as rulers, but as fierce men of war. And they hunted the men of Middle-earth and took their goods and enslaved them, and many they slew cruelly upon their altars. For they built in their fortresses temples and great tombs in those days; and men feared them, and the memory of the kindly kings of the ancient days faded from the world and was darkened by many a tale of dread [Akallabeth]
45. And all things waited upon the word of Ar-Pharazon; and Sauron withdrew into the inmost circle of the Temple, and men brought him victims to be burned [Akallabeth]
46. In the east and south well nigh all Men were under his dominion, and they grew strong in those days and built many towns and walls of stone, and they were numerous and fierce in war and aimed with iron. To them Sauron was both king and god; and they feared him exceedingly, for he surrounded his abode with fire [Silmarillion]
47. But when Sauron returned and grew in might again, Isildur summoned the Men of the Mountains to fulfil their oath, and they would not: for they had worshipped Sauron in the Dark Years [LoTR]
48. But it is told that he was a renegade, who came of the race of those that are named the Black Numenoreans; for they established their dwellings in Middle-earth during the years of Sauron's domination, and they worshipped him, being enamoured of evil knowledge [LoTR]
49. Sauron desired to be a God-King, and was held this by his servants; if he had been victorious he would have demanded divine honour from all rational creatures and absolute temporal power over the whole world [Letters, 183]
50. By the end of the Second Age he [Sauron] assumed the position of Morgoth's representative. By the end of the Third Age (though actually much weaker than before) he claimed to be Morgoth returned [Letters, 183]
51. 'Why? Why do the fools fly?' said Denethor. 'Better to burn sooner than late, for burn we must. Go back to your bonfire! And I? I will go now to my pyre. To my pyre! No tomb for Denethor and Faramir. No tomb! No long slow sleep of death embalmed. We will burn like heathen kings before ever a ship sailed hither from the West. The West has failed. Go back and burn!' [LoTR]
52. 'Authority is not given to you, Steward of Gondor, to order the hour of your death,' answered Gandalf. 'And only the heathen kings, under the domination of the Dark Power, did thus, slaying themselves in pride and despair, murdering their kin to ease their own death.' [LoTR]
53. She [Elbereth] was often thought of, or depicted, as standing on a great height looking towards Middle-earth, with eyes that penetrated the shadows, and listening to the cries for aid of Elves (and Men) in peril or grief. Frodo (Vol. I, p. 208) and Sam both invoke her in moments of extreme peril. The Elves sing hymns to her. (These and other references to religion in The Lord of the Rings are frequently overlooked.) [RGEO]